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Growing Your Own Garlic #Organic_Gardening

Place the budding clove or whole bulb in a small cup or bowl. Using a clear container really helps you see when the water needs to be changed and you can watch the roots grow. Add just enough water to cover the bottom of the cup and touches just the bottom of the cloves. Do not submerge the cloves or the water will become cloudy, smelly and the cloves will begin to rot. Not good.

The garlic cloves will begin producing roots very quickly after a few days. It’s good practice to change out the little bit water in the cup or bowl when it begins to look slightly cloudy, which is every couple of days.

you know those water bottles you buy from the grocery store. YUP! Cut the bottles in half with scissors. very easy. Put water at the bottom, fill with dirt halfway, place the garlic clove with the green sprout sticking out. Then add mor dirt and water.

Place the garlic sprouts near a window with plenty of sunlight. then replant them in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked.