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Low light loving houseplants #Plants

Cast-Iron Plant

One of the toughest plants you can grow, cast-iron plant thrives through neglect, low light, low humidity, and a wide range of temperatures. It is a slow grower so try to buy a plant that is large enough for the space you are looking to accent. Several varieties have white or yellow variegation on their leaves.
  • Tips for Success: Low light; 45-85 degrees F.; keep evenly moist during the spring and summer, barely moist in the fall and winter.
  • Size: Up to 2 feet

Snake Plant

This architecturally shaped succulent is one of the easiest houseplants to grow, as it truly thrives on neglect. There are both tall and short varieties available, making it a versatile addition to your home. They withstand low light but also do well in brighter locations. The only problem that may develop is root rot if you over water this plant.
  • Tips for Success: Low to bright light; 60-85 degrees F.; allow soil to dry between watering.
  • Size: 6"-4 feet tall (depending on variety)


This low-maintenance vine is often confused with the heart leaf philodendron. The Pothos has heart-shaped leaves and can be grown as a table top plant, in a hanging basket, or trained upright on a support. It is a low light plant, however the more light it receives the more variegation will show on the leaves.

If this plant gets too long, cut the plant back, place the cuttings in water. Once the roots have formed, transplant into soil.
  • Tips for Success: Low to bright light; 60-75 degrees F.; keep the soil moderately dry.
  • Size: Trailing plant to 8 feet.


The Heart-leaf philodendron is a strong; easy growing foliage plant, very likely the same variety you might remember in your grandparents home. It has pretty, heart-shape leaves and does very well in low light locations. Often seen trailing over the edge of a bookshelf or hanging in a pot.

If this plant gets too long, cut the plant back, place the cuttings in water. Once the roots have formed, transplant into soil. I have given many friends cuttings of this easy to grow houseplant.
  • Tips for Success: Low to bright light; 60-80 degrees F.; allow the soil to dry between watering
  • Size: Climbing or Trailing to 8+ feet.

Peace Lily

Most low-light plants, and all discussed up to this point are only foliage plants. The Peace Lily offers a stunning large white flower as well as large, dark leaves. Variegated varieties are also available , however these varieties tend to be smaller plants, with smaller flowers. The single-petaled flower hovers above the leaves. It is also known to be one of the top 10 plants for cleaning toxins out of the air in your home.
  • Tips for Success: Low to medium light; 68-85 degrees F.; Prefers damp soil, and shouldn't be left to dry out completely between watering.
  • Size: 3-6 feet.

Chinese Evergreen

This plant has great foliage with shades of silver, gray, or different shades of green making this plant a strong choice to brighten low-light areas in your home. Many shopping malls use this plant around the base of taller tree-like houseplants, due to their hardy care free nature.
  • Tips for Success: Low to medium light; 60-75 degrees F.; keep soil evenly moist
  • Size: To 3 feet tall.