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Tips for growing basil #Organic_Gardening

1. Plant with seeds or a starter plant. I grow from seeds and start a few months before it gets warmer in my area (around February or March). You can also buy a starter plant at a nursery or a grocery store.

2. Well-drained soil is good soil for basil. If you grow yours in containers like I do, the container itself needs to have good drainage holes.

3. Fertilize the soil about once a month if you're growing it indoors. Organic or slow-release fertilizers (like compost tea) are best for basil. Just don't fertilize it below 60°F/16°C.

4. Water often in hot weather. I watered once a day when the temperatures got really hot this summer. But in more normal conditions, I water every other day or so. Check your soil to make sure it isn't getting dry either way.

5. Keep insects away. If pests are bugging your plants, I've heard using liquid seaweed as a fertilizer will help.