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How to harvest and store potatoes #vegetable_gardening

Step 1: Dig potatoes on a dry day. Dig up gently, being careful not to puncture the tubers. The soil should not be compact, so digging should be easy.

Step 2: New potatoes will be ready for harvest after 10 weeks, usually in early July.

Step 3: You should harvest all of your potatoes once the vines die (usually by late August), or the potatoes may rot.

Step 4: Make sure you brush off any soil clinging to the potatoes, then store them in a cool, dry, dark place. The ideal temperature for storage is 35 to 40°F.

Step 5: Do not store potatoes with apples; their ethylene gas will cause potatoes to spoil.

Step 6: Whether you dig your own potatoes or buy them at a store, don’t wash them until right before you use them. Washing potatoes shortens their storage life.