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How to grow raspberries by the bucketful #Fruit_Gardening

How to Plant raspberries
  • Plant in the early spring (or late winter for warm zones)
  • Plant far from wild growing berries, otherwise risk the spread of pests and diseases to your garden.
  • Prepare soil with compost or aged manure a couple weeks before planting.
  • Raspberries love moisture, so try soaking the roots for an hour or two before planting.
  • Dig a hole that is roomy enough for the roots to spread.
  • Space plants about 3 feet apart, in rows 8 feet apart.
  • After planting, cut back canes, leaving 8 to 10 inches.
  • Depending on the variety you plant, you may need to fashion a support. A trellis or a fence are good options. If you chose to use one of these, establish them at or before time of planting so the plants are not disturbed when maturing.

How to Care for raspberries plant
  • Mulching is important throughout the season to conserve moisture and suffocate weeds. Keep a thick layer of mulch surrounding plants at all times.
  • Water one inch per week.
  • The roots send up an abundant amount of shoots, called canes. Keep order by pruning away the majority of them so that the survivors can produce lots of berries.

How to Harvest raspberries
  • All varieties will begin to produce fruit in their second season. In some cases, ever-bearers may bear small berries in their first autumn.
  • In early summer, berries will ripen over a time of about 2 weeks. You will need to pick berries every couple of days.
  • Try to harvest berries on a sunny day when they are dry.
  • Don't tug too hard on your raspberries when picking. A ripe raspberry will leave the vine willingly.