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5 Easy to grow vegetables #vegetable_gardening

Radishes are great for beginner gardeners because they grow fast & insects don’t like them. They are typically the first thing to pop up and are really hard to kill. If you have a “brown-thumb”, you won’t any longer with radishes:)

Plant radish seeds about a 1/2 inch into the soil, spacing the seeds about 1 inch apart. Water about 1-2 times a day to keep the ground moist.

Lettuce is fast growing and seems to pop up almost immediately! Also, you can cut off some lettuce and then they will keep growing!

Plant lettuce seeds about 1/2 inch deep in a 3 inch wide band and space each planting about 8 inches apart. Water about 1-2 times a day to keep the ground moist.

Beets are my favorite to grow because their deep green leaves are delicious sauteed in a little butter & cream! We ate the leaves throughout the season until we finally harvested the beet roots.

Plant beet seeds 1 inch deep, spacing them out 4 inches apart. Water about 1-2 times a day to keep the ground moist.

Sugar snap peas are a fun thing to grow in the garden because they produce a lot of pods and can be eaten right away. Kids love these! To produce a good harvest, be sure to place them in soil that drains well, and be sure to plant early in the season because they do better in cooler weather.

Plant pea sugar or snap peas 1 inch deep spacing them out every 4 inches. Water about 1-2 times a day to keep the ground moist.

Carrots are really fun to grow and aren’t likely to attract insects.

Plant carrot seeds about 1 inch into the soil, placing 2 seeds into each spot, spacing the holes about 3 inches apart. As the grow into seedlings, you’ll need to thin them out, meaning you’ll pull some of the new seedlings so there is about 4 inches between each carrot seedling. Water about 1-2 times a day to keep the ground moist.